OFDA 2000 can provide rapid (25 seconds), accurate and precise diameter measurement along the length of greasy wool staples. Fibres in greasy staples are coated with a varying thickness of grease, dirt and suint. The OFDA 2000 automatically corrects for the grease factor, utilising a formula established after exhaustive analysis of Australian and New Zealand flocks.
The greasy wool measurements provided in real time by the OFDA 2000 include:
• Mean fibre diameter (including a distribution histogram).
• Co-efficient of Variation of Diameter.
• Percentage of fibres less than 30 micron (comfort factor).
• Percentage of fibres less than 15 micron.
• Curvature and Standard Deviation of Curvature.
• Along staple diameter profile.
• Staple length.
• Position of finest and broadest points along the staple.
• Average of mean fibre ends.