The OFDA 2000 is the world's first instrument to measure greasy wool and diameter profile along the staple. It is the replacement of the OFDA 100, providing the same accuracy and faster measurement. The technology is used at all stages of the wool-processing pipeline, from greasy fleece through to yarn and fabric. It is also used to measure synthetic fibres, cashmere, mohair and alpaca. The OFDA 2000 is recognised by the IWTO test method (TM 47) for measuring wool fibre snippets.
The OFDA 2000 comes in two versions, the benchtop version (BT) used in the laboratories and the portable version used for on farm testing. Both versions have the same specifications and only differring in physical package.
The OFDA is a video microscope set above a moving sample of fibres. The instrument magnifies and captures images of the individual fibres using a video camera and then identifies and measures each fibre. Each fibre diameter is measured to a resolution of 1 micron (um) and the combined mean diameter and standard deviation are calculated to a resolution of 0.01 um.
OFDA's histogram data include the mean fibre diameter, standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV), comfort factor, curvature and spinning fineness. The comfort factor is vital to sheep breeders and wool buyers to identify those coarse fibre in a sample that can cause a "prickly" feel in some woolen garments.
The OFDA 2000 normally measures 2 mm fibre snippets cut using a guillotine or minicore.
The fibres are spread onto a 70mm square glass slide in the same fashion as the OFDA 100
Look also at OFDA 2000 Portable.